JOIN the Movement

to Build a Radically Free Future!

JOIN the Movement

to Build a Radically Free Future!

Queer Utopia (a seed project of Revolution In Self Evolution) is a community space for healing, exploration, and co-creation of the world we wish to see - one that is FREE from oppression and grounded in love, empowerment, and cultural evolution.

Queer Utopia is inherently a utopia
for EVERY body.

This space is queer LEANING.
Queer CENTRIC. Queerly ROOTED.

This space is

queer LEANING.

Queerly ROOTED.

And, this is a space for EVERY one. Whether you are queer,

on the fringe, or simply someone who wants to be part of a radical movement for change, you belong here.

We welcome all who align with our core values of healing, liberation, and cultural co-creation.

Here, we are Queer - as in:


What is Queer Utopia?

Queer Utopia was born from a deep desire for liberation - internally and externally. Rooted in radical love, curiosity, and exploration, we are co-creating a culture that is radically inclusive, healing, and empowering.

Queer Utopia is a MOVEMENT:

• A movement of people who are consciously creating for, not perpetually fighting against.

• A movement of empowered radical change agents who recognize we must change ourselves in order to change the world.

• A movement of sustainable change making that leads to liberation, not burnout.

Queer Utopia is a space to explore and uplift the radical edges of humanity.

Key Pillars:

• Identity Liberation: We define ourselves for ourselves.

• Environmental Liberation: We cultivate spaces for healing, connection, and collaborative growth.

This is a space where we LEAN IN to discomfort, critically question the world around us, and come together across divides to evolve culture.

Ready to Free Yourself to

Free the World?

Our Commitment to


Before you join, here’s what you need to know. Queer Utopia is a space of learning, growth, and co-creation where we honor our differences and commit to leading with love, curiosity, and compassion. And, there are some non-negotiable Group Agreements EVERYONE in this space will be expected to follow.

The Highlights:

🪬 We Learn from Our Mistakes: This is a space to grow together, where conflict is natural, and compassion is key.

🪬 We Lead with Love: We value understanding and growth over canceling. When we know better, we do better (to paraphrase the late, great Maya Angelou).

🪬 We Commit to Radical Curiosity: We question everything — including the normalized systems that govern our world.

🪬 We Respect the Voluntary Nature of This Space: If it’s not working for you, you’re free to leave at any time.

🪬 We Support Each Other: No labor is required; we lean in when we’re ready.

Group agreements:

1. This is a LEARNING SPACE, where we see mistakes as opportunities for growth & increased compassioN.

We are entering a multicultural space where a diverse array of experiences, identities, opinions, fears, traumas, hopes, dreams, cultures, etc are converging. Conflict is a natural part of this process. We are going to mess up and get our wires crossed - because that is part of the work in coming together across cultural differences. The only way we learn to walk is by falling down.

Call out & cancel cultures foster division. In this space, we practice leading with love and helping one another see when & where we’ve misstepped. We recognize we are all here because we believe in creating a better world, and we are figuring out what that looks like together.

We agree to grant one another the patience we ourselves want to receive when we inevitably make mistakes as humans navigating a complex reality.

*Please note, you are ALWAYS welcome to tag or reach out to me for support, facilitation, or intervention in conversations that take place on this page - and to take space from the interaction until I am able to step in. Nobody is expected to engage in labor here, unless you want & choose to do so.

2. We LEAN IN to discomfort and practice CRITICALLY QUESTIONING our “fishbowl reality.”

Here, we are exploring the radial edge of humanity - which requires questioning literally EVERYthing we think we know. Much like the goldfish swimming in the fishbowl, we are socialized to see our teeny version of reality as the world. In actuality, there are MUCH broader vantage points. The process of expanding our paradigms can be deeply confronting, triggering, & disruptive to our normal day-to-day flow, but also holds incredible power if we allow ourselves to really go there.

Colonial paradigms [you don’t even know you have] WILL be challenged. The way you’ve been taught to the see the world WILL be threatened. All forms of oppression & discrimination will be explored.

Triggers are doorways to healing. Critical questions are welcomed & invited. Lived experiences are golden.

We agree to lead with curiosity & learn from our differences.

3. This is a VOLUNTARY SPACE. Anyone is welcome to leave at any time. there is zero tolerance for harmful or abusive behavior.

Nobody is forcing anyone to participate in this group. If at any point you don’t like what is being explored here, you are ALWAYS welcome to leave (or to raise critical questions to support your understanding).

Trolling, bullying, targeting, sh*t posting, cruelly phobic, & unkindly negative comments will be deleted and the poster removed & banned from the group.

We agree to open our minds & hearts to one another, and treat each other with the love we desire to see in the world.



from Struggle to Transformation:

A Journey of Healing, Liberation, and Radical Change


My world had been rocked by the election. Months of marching in the streets and organizing online left me feeling hopeless & helpless. I was in my first semester teaching social work students at my local university and triggered AF - which pushed many of the very people I was seeking to serve away from what I had to offer.

I was devastated, polarized, and rapidly realizing I was in no position to help ANYone.

I spent the following summer in a depressed slumber, unable to pull myself off the couch.

Nothing about the way I was living was working.

So what did I do?

I changed EVERYthing. 

I spent years in therapy and other programs learning to build mindfulness and heal my nervous system. I opened the door to spirituality and deeper communication with the natural world. I reevaluated my self identity and came out as neurodivergent and nonbinary [she & they pronouns plz]. And in 2020, I quit my job, walked out of my PhD program, and left behind the only way of life I’d ever known to follow a vision & vague calling of…something more. 

I hit the road on a travel adventure without a clear understanding of where it would take me, how long I'd be gone, or what I might find - or lose - along the way. There was no backup plan; only an open road and my trust in the universe to guide me.

Crazy, right? (Sometimes I still wonder. LOL.)

And people in my life at the time CERTAINLY didn’t get it. 

But following my intuitive nudges led me to MAGIC.

Over the past several years, I’ve woven my way through incredible intentional communities, spaces of groundbreaking transformational healing, and innovative rule-breakers working at the top of their fields.

I’ve SEEN & EXPERIENCED what’s possible, and I’m ready to sing it from the rooftops. 

It is time to come together across our divides, put down our weapons, and co-create the culture of harmony our hearts KNOW is possible.

Let’s harness the intersectional power of the most RADICAL approaches to liberation and platform the voices society desperately needs to hear right now: the disenfranchised, the stigmatized, the marginalized. (There is a REASON colonialism has been so obsessed with taking away our power!!!)



Amy Cat - Queer Utopia

Hi! I'm Amy Cat. I'm a social worker, educator, and “retired” SJW (Social Justice Warrior) who put down the battle shield & opened my heart.

When I stopped FIGHTING for change and started LIVING for it, everything in my reality shifted. I found healing, connection, and happiness I had never known was possible. And more than that, the impact I began having on those around me magnified and magnetized.

Instead of operating from scarcity and survival (which literally shuts down the parts of the brain involved in long-term strategy & complex decision-making), I began playing a different game: the long game. I began to understand that culture is what we LIVE it to be. Fighting fire with fire burns the whole world down…as we are currently witnessing on a global level.

I am here to be part of CREATING FOR rather than FIGHTING AGAINST.

I’ve been exploring & experimenting largely on my own the last several years…it is time to collaborate in commUnity.

Let us be the NEXUS of the New World we wish to see.♥️


What happens in this group?

Near-weekly Expansion & Exploration Lives with Amy Cat (where I’ll share some teachings & host some Q&A), misc content related to the group pillars, endless engagement opportunities with one another, community building, co-healing, and other surprises along the way.

This is the seed of something much larger. And it’s the FIRST place I'll be sharing all of my future content & projects.

Who is this for? Is this a queer space?

Well, I am queer as fuck. (...surprise😘) So, yes. This is a space born in & of queerness. AND, it’s a space where HUMAN comes first. The only restriction here is value alignment & adherence to the group agreements.

Do I need to identify as LGBTQ+ to join this group?

NO!!! This is a space for humans of all identities. If you align with the pillars & vibe with the agreements, then this space is for YOU.

Okay…so then why is it called “QUEER Utopia”?

The name comes from a recent experience I had of speaking my deepest desire to a room full of fellow entrepreneurs.

For the first time, I publicly claimed my life purpose - my reason for being on Earth - to a group of people who could hold me accountable & help make it happen. And I’ll share it with you, too.

My purpose in life is to support the liberation of “my people”...the people living on the margins: queer, disabled, neurodivergent, empaths, BIPOC, dreamers & lovers.

My people are a rainbow family living in the intersections of sociopolitical oppression.

I stood in front of that room, hands trembling with nerves & excitement, and declared: “I want us to HACK CAPITALISM and live the queer utopia dream NOW!!!”

The room applauded. The title stuck.

© 2025. Queer Utopia. All Rights Reserved.